Daisy Komen is a renowned Rotterdam based commercial, fashion and portrait photographer. She specializes in both studio and on-site photography. With her technical background and eye for detail, she is capable of capturing images for nearly every desired situation. Her style can be described as colorful, energetic and narrative. Daisy has a Masters degree in photography from the Royal Academy of Art (KABK), The Hague (2002-2006)
Daisy’s clients include:
(Inter)national brands like Puma, Levi’s, Tommy Hilfiger, Quinny, Lexus, Converse, Maruti, HEAD, Gsus Insdustries, Baume et Mercier Switzerland, Rehab Footwear, Bullboxer, University of Utrecht, Stockon, Hema, Sloggi, Landal Greenparks, Dura Vermeer, Aegon, Port of Amsterdam, Philips, Staatsloterij, Elle magazine, Cosmo Girl magazine, AM Magazine, Taste Magazine, Soul Media, Rotterdam Pas magazine, Hema, Lowlands, Pinkpop, Dutch Dance Theater, including collaborations with Jiří Kylián, Hans van Maanen, Paul & Sol, Marco Goecke, etc.
Follow the link to WORK to view Daisy Komen's portfolio. Targeted portfolios can be provided on request, the online portfolio is only an impression of the various works produced. To request a targeted portfolio offer, please send an email (see contact page).